
Accounting and reporting
of a business branch abroad

Our services help simplify your business
through a branch of the company abroad and save valuable time,
which can be devoted to current activities.

Registering a business as a branch abroad is associated with additional accounting obligations. Your enterprise will be obliged to keep accounting books and consequently full reporting abroad, in the country of branch registration, in line with the rules in force in the place of its registration. At this stage, accounting and reporting of a business branch abroad can be crucial to the safe conduct of business.

Accounting and reporting of a business branch abroad
– what do you need to know?

Each country has specific rules for its bookkeeping and the accounting and reporting of business branches abroad. Usually, we do not give much thought to the technical issues, handing over all accounting matters to our accounting consultants. However, what about a business branch abroad, where the capabilities of our accounting consultants no longer reach? If there is a need, or even a necessity, to employ workers permanently, then a number of obligations will also be imposed on the business branch abroad. Examples include accounting and reporting of business branches abroad.

In our experience, the systemic rules of accounting and reporting of a business abroad may vary significantly depending on the country in which we register a branch. That is why it is so important to use the services of an entity which is familiar with the details of a foreign legal system and which is well versed with the realities of a given jurisdiction. It will be able to guide the branch of your business abroad through complicated regulations, so that the entrepreneur can focus on its operations and, above all, on generating profit.

Why entrust us with the accounting
and reporting of a business branch abroad?

What can prove even more problematic in practice is all kinds of reporting of your business branch abroad. Each country has formulated specific document models and procedures concerning reporting obligations of companies and also business branches abroad. Therefore, we have to make all settlements with the state treasury and submit all reports in a strictly defined manner, often in a foreign language, which can be a significant and important barrier to running a business branch abroad. As you can see, accounting and reporting of a business branch abroad can be problematic and, above all, time-consuming for many reasons.

Thompson&Stein will assist you in overcoming these barriers by supporting you in accounting and reporting of your business branch abroad also in the area of tax settlements, social security contributions, and any other public levies, as well as in reporting, including accounting annual reports, VAT reporting, as well as payroll accounting for employees employed by the business branch abroad. Our services help simplify your activities carried out through a business branch abroad and save you valuable time that can instead be spent on further ongoing operations.

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